this is just a made up character so im gonna create a twin of cinnamon roll! idk if this is a thing lol but im gonna create a character called marshmallow so shes made out of marshmallows! and has them on her head! but the thing about cinnamon rolls twin is she is born in nov witch is not really a twin but sorta they just look alike thats my point! and shes really kind and likes to help cinnamon roll and marshmallow go out together every day! they love having each other as best friends every one calls them twins! and they do look alike its just that cinnamon roll has light blue eyes and marshmallow has sea blue and also cinnamon roll is shy and he is a boy but marshmallow is a girl! but marshmallow always gives cinnamon roll confidence and they both use there ears to fly and one day they both went to the park and then cinnamon rolls friends came marshmallow was not sure what was happing then cinnamon roll introduced them (this is mocha milk cappuccino espresso and last but not least chiffon!) (oh ok! lets play tag!) (ok!!) they played they had so much fun it was marshmallows birthday everyone got him presents he had a blast! the end!
(ik ik it was about the nov birthday but i got carried away sry lol! i enjoy this)
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